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 Wheat Germ 小麦胚牙基础油
 拉丁文名:Triticum aestivum
 Content: this grain seed oil has the highest content of vitamin E of all oils.
 Benefit: ideal for body care and massage for dry and mature skin; it keeps skin supple during pregnancy.
 Tip for use: as this Oil has an intense aroma of grain, it is advisable to mix it with, for example, Jojoba Oil
 This oil should be taken immediately after the start of the pregnancy until the child is born and gets not any more longer the milk from the mothers breast.
 There is not any problem for the woman using that oils for such a long time regularly.Not only the belly, but also the breast and the backside should be treated with this oil.An additional advantage of the oil is the fragrance not nly for the mother but also for the child which smells the fragrance and gets also the benefit of the Essential oils, which are then of course highly diluted.
 女士长期有规律的使用这种精油对身体不会有任何负作用。不止是腹部,胸部和臀部也要使用。这种精油的芳香不仅对母亲的健康有好处,它还有另一个优点, 就是淡化了的芳香可以影响到婴儿。
 helps also later the children to sleep well because they are used to that fragrance with all the positive Remembering to that oil.
 Pure joy with intensive skin care 护肤基础油
 These precious oils, extracted from fruit, nuts and seeds, have a composition that is similar to the natural properties of the sebaceous matter, and thus effectively strengthen the natural defenses of the skin.
 Tip: for best absorption of any oil, massage it in after a bath or shower while your skin is still moist.


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